Thursday, December 20, 2012

Walking with Bilbo ~ A book review

  I was first introduced to Sarah Arthur, on my fifteenth birthday, when my parents got me her book Dating Mr. Darcy. I poured over that book, so that the covers are now bent. When I found that I could review "Walking with Bilbo" , I jumped on it, and couldn't wait to get it in.

The Pros:
   Sarah Arthur writes with humor and insight that keeps me either laughing or nodding my head in agreement. In this book, she is showing how when we accept Christ we embark on a journey of faith, and can choose either to stay comfortably in our 'hobbit holes' or follow Him. She draws many other charming parallels, between "The Hobbit" and our walk with Christ, that helped me to see things in a whole new perspective! The chapters are all short, sweet and to the point, followed by probing questions, and verses to look up. It's great to read in just a few minutes and then meditate on throughout the day.

The Cons:
   If you are not familiar with the story lines of "The Hobbit" and the LOTR trilogy, you will not get as much out of this study, and may be lost in some parts.

In Conclusion:
   If you are even a mild LOTR fan, and are ready to embark upon the adventure of faith, "Walking with Bilbo" is an excellent book to get you excited and provide encouragement.

*I received this book free from Tyndale House Publishers for my honest opinion.

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