Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Absolute Surrender

I have been reading a wonderful book by Andrew Murray, on the topic of surrender, and I wanted to share some of my favorite quotes (so far) from it.

- God does not ask you to give the perfect surrender in your strength, or by the power of your will; God is willing to work it in you.

-And that is what we should seek for-to go on our faces before God, util our hearts learn to believe that the everlasting God Himself will come in to turn out what is wrong, to conquer what is evil, and to work what is well-pleasing in His blessed sight. 

-If there is anything holding you back, or any sacrifice you are afraid of making, come to God now, and prove how gracious your God is, and be not afraid that He will command from you what He will not bestow.

-Be not afraid, but come just as you are, and even in the midst of your trembling the power of the Holy Spirit will work.

- When God has begun the work of absolute surrender in you, and when God has accepted your surrender, then God holds Himself bound to care for it and to keep it.

-God is willing to maintain our life. Only let our absolute surrender be one of simple, childlike, and unbounded trust.

-Denying self must every moment be the power of your life, and then Christ will come in and take possession of you.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Go Low

I wanted to share with everyone, a wonderful post, written by a wonderful God-loving girl. This post has caused me to do alot of soul searching, (which explains the lack of posts recently) and I hope that it will inspire you as well. If you enjoy this one, check out the other recent posts on her blog, they are all equally as inspiring! 

go low

If the Christian life could be a picture, I'd say it would be a road. It passes through valleys, mountains, rain, sun, night, day, minutes and epochs. The end is sure but unknown; the distance is measurable. People walk that road, some going backwards, some plodding forward, some running hands-to-the-sky, most milling around and some sitting, exhausted. And at the beginning of the road, just after the narrow gate, there is another wall-like structure. No door. Too high to climb. Too far to go around. It's certain that the traveler who makes it past the gate is on the road -- no questions there. But he is stuck at this wall. He is stuck. Some make it through -- they must, somehow, because the road stretches on. But for the most part there is a whole crowd standing beside that wall, clogging the road, jostling the seeker who tries to get close.

For the longest time, I remember standing outside that wall, staring it up and down and around to figure out how to get past it. I could hear the singing of those on the other side, their feet pounding the ground as they moved closer and closer to the finish line -- and I wanted what they had. Badly. My heart thrilled whenever it thought of the possibilities on the other side of that wall. It was everything I desired. But it was always like an outsider looking in: I wanted it, but I didn't have it, and I didn't know how to have it. I had no part in that business beyond the wall.         read the rest here

Friday, March 9, 2012

A Small Announcement!

   Guess what everybody? I am now affiliated with Vision Forum! This means that when you enter their site, through the link I just put up, and make a purchase, I will receive commission from it! (Doesn't that sound fun!?)
    Now, in case you don't know what Vision Forum is... It is a wonderful online Christian store that sells everything from dolls, to spy gear, to homeschool curriculum, to books (my favorite!), to movies and they even have a sewing machine that is great for beginners!  (I probably should really be putting links in these categories, and one day I will, but until I figure this whole thing out, I'm afraid that you will have to be content with searching for them yourself! Sorry...) I could spend hours on their website and all of my parents money! (Oops! Did I just say that out-loud?)
    I will share some of our favorite products to get you started searching. "The Runner from Ravenshead" is one of our familys favorite movies. It has an all children cast, and is surprisingly well written and produced! I have also been recently watching some of the "Homestead Blessings" DVD's, which share how to do different crafts such as: sewing, candle and soap making, bread making, quilting, gardening, and a bunch more. In the book section, there are too many for me to choose just one, but my Dad has been reading (and loving, and gushing about) the book "Family Driven Faith" by Voddie Baucham.
    So, hope on over and check out all of their inspiring, products!  
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