Monday, May 14, 2012

Memorable Monday

Ok, I don't have as many pictures of last week as I would like, because my photographer has been sick, and the holder of the other pictures does not live at my house, so I will have to steal them when they post them on facebook. (Which, by the way, you can 'like' me on by following this link.)

On Thursday, me and my Mommy got to go to Little Rock so I could get my new Bible stamped and I could get some graduation presents for my friends. While I was there I picked up a wonderful book my Elisabeth George. (one of my favorite authors!!!)

I have been reading this slower than I read most books, because it is so practical and inspiring, that I have to take extra time to soak it in. My mind wanders very readily, (my kindergarten teacher can attest to that!), and I always assumed that  since that's the way I am there is nothing I can do about it. This mentality has let in alot of worry, fear, and discouragement, that truly does not belong in the life of a child of God, and through this book Elisabeth George has shown me  the weapons that I need to fight this. It has truly been incredible, and I am already seeing results!

Then on Friday, I went to the graduation of my best friend! (you can find pictures of her, and a sweet post about her on my sisters blog.) She had 620 people in her graduation class, so it was reallllllllly long, but totally worth it!

Then on Saturday, we got to see some wonderful friends that we haven't seen in months, and my graduation invitations came in. Yay!!!

Also a fun part of the weekend was getting to try out the new target my Daddy bought for me and Lacey to use.

Lacey checking to see how she did.

                          Getting ready to do it again!

Then of course, yesterday was Mothers Day! I love my Mommy!
Here are some pictures of her card. (Nothing but Snoopy will do!)

Hope you all have a wonderful week!!! 


Amy Snow said...

Your mind doesn't wonder! Sometimes it just leaves. hahaha! Looks like a great book. I will have to look it up. Vision Forum had a good one on sale today I think.

Lindsey Elise said...

Hehe... yes, I believe you might be more accurate! :)

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