Hey everybody! Sorry I haven't posted in so long, but I was gone and then sick.
Last week, I went to Student Life mission camp in Missouri, and the theme was Devoted. I went not expecting much, other than a tan, and maybe an emotional high, but I came away with so much more. I came away with the knowledge of what it means to be Devoted to Christ and the realization that I'm far from it. The first day at camp they issued all of us these booklets that had our quiet times in them and some places to take notes. On the first night at family group quiet time we did an activity out of this book that really brought into focus how un-devoted I am to Christ and really set the tone for the week. So I want to share this with you in hopes that you will do it and that it will impact your life as it did mine.
So first of all you will need a sheet of paper and something to write with. On your paper write the numbers 1-10 vertically, leaving a space large enough to write in. Next to number 5 write the word Knowledge, this represents everything you know to function each day; next to 7 write Culture, this represents your culture pretty self explanitory; next to 8 write Stuff, this represents everything you own; and next to 9 write Values this represents what you believe, how you view right and wrong. Now next to 1 write the most important person in your life, i.e. (mom/dad, husband/wife, mentor, best friend); for number 2 you are going to write your most important role, (daughter/son, husband/wife, student, friend); next to number 3 write your most important support group; for number 4 write down your heritage ( American, Mexican, Russian, Indian); now skip to 6 since five already has a word and write down your favorite place to be, this could be anywhere from your bedroom to a special place outside where you go to be alone; finally next to 10 write the activity that brings you the most joy ( reading, spending time with family, singing, fixing stuff).
Now look at your list and cross off four things that you would be willing to live without to keep the rest and think about why you are willing to live without these things. Now cross off two more, and think about why you crossed these out and left the ones that you did. i.e. - (why were you willing to cross off stuff but not your heritage?) Now, cross off two more, and think about the same things. This should leave two numbers on your page not crossed off. Now I'm going to ask you to cross off one more, and really think about why you left the one you did. Why are you willing to live without the other 9 numbers in order to keep that last one? Now here comes the kicker, if you were to put God at the top of your page, would you be willing to cross off that last number in order to keep Him? Would you be willing to forsake your support group, for Him? Or what about the thing that brings you the most joy, could you give that up in order to be devoted to Him? Because this is what He asks of us, that we be willing to give up all we hold dear, to follow Him. He doesn't always ask us to, but, He does need us to be willing.
Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62)
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