3And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye’; and look, a plank is in your own eye?
5 Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
- Matthew 7: 3-5
I memorized these verses several years ago for my Bible class in school and they sounded pretty hilarious to my childish mind. I would imagine myself with a board sticking out of my eye, hitting peoples heads with it as I turned to look at them. And while that is amusing to think of, its also painful, because with my (slightly) more mature teenage mind, I can see so clearly the truth in it. You see, I have a problem with pride...not one of those little annoying habits, but a serious problem. I can honestly say that 97% of all of my sin issues have their origin in pride. It especially manifests itself in my judgmental spirit. I can profess to love someone dearly, as mentally run over every thing about them that bugs me. I can hug them and laugh with them as I plot how to tell them just exactly what I think of a certain character flaw that they possess. I can tell them I'm praying for them and try to give them a spiritual lift, when not ten minutes earlier I was gossiping about how they really need to get right with God because their life is going down the drain. And especially frustrating to me is when I'm supposed to be listening to a great sermon, but I'm really sitting there wondering if so-and-so is paying attention to the message. (as if I am!) In fact, just to be honest (and also to practice some much needed humility) I'm sitting here writing this right now, trying not to hope that certain people will read this post.
The more I reflect on this tendency, the more I realize that I truly am hitting people in the head! I try to help them see the error of their ways ( in a rather self-righteous way) when in reality I'm pushing them farther and farther away because of this painful plank.
I'm going to end this post a little differently today. Instead of asking everyone to search their hearts or join me as I seek to rid my life of this pesky problem (though that would be great!). I am instead going to ask for prayer. Pray for me that I will allow God to have His way in my life, no matter how hard it may be on my pride, and that I may become an empty vessel, ready to be filled with Him and poured back out. And that maybe, I won't hit anyone else in the head with this plank.
This is wonderful. More people than you have this problem...how many times have I done the same thing!
God bless you, and you can pray for me too.
Thank you! and I will. :)
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