Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"Its (not that) Complicated" a book review

The cute cover caught my eye; the convicting words caught my heart. 

   The book, "It's (not that) Complicated" by sisters, Anna Sophia and Elisabeth Botkin, is marketed as a guy-girl relationship book, which it is, but the well thought-out and Biblically sound principles that they bring to the table, go far beyond this single area of relationships.
   It's most basic premise is a call to love our brothers-in-Christ more than we love ourselves, but I found myself being convicted more over the way I loved, (or, more accurately, did not love) my family members, close friends, and even God.
    In short, this book broke me. It broke my pride, my self-conceit, and my hypocrisy. It held a mirror to my face, and bid me see what manner of person I truly am, and not what manner of person I think I am. Hard on the flesh? Definitely. But oh how glorious for my soul!
   I would encourage anyone struggling in their relationship with God, friends, family, or even guys, (since, that is, in fact the main theme of the book) to get their hands on a copy of this book and then buckle up, because you will never be the same. 

*You can purchase the book, by clicking on the link above, which will take you to the Vision Forum website. 

** The Botkin sisters, have written one other book, and have many audio resources, but I'm not sure that I would not recommend them. Most of what they write and say, seems quite biblically sound, but there are some things, that I'm not sure I can completely endorse. So, if you are inclined to study more of their works, please use discretion.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Abide in Me

God has been revealing many great Truths to me over these last several weeks, and as much as I long to share them, I feel like I need to hold them to myself a little longer, until my grasp on them is better. So, it may be pretty quiet around here for awhile. I do still want to get posts up, so I may be leaving you in the hands of much older and wiser people for a while, and today I want to share with you an excerpt from an incredible book by two of my heroes, Eric and Leslie Ludy. Enjoy!
  " In John 15, Jesus gave His disciples what may be the most profound and beautiful command in the entire Bible... He summed up the essence, the granderur, the mystery, and the marvel of life in but a few life-altering words. He said to them, 'Abide in Me.'
   What did He mean by that?
   He meant, 'Find the meaning of life in Me. Find your value and confidence in Me. Find your purpose and direction in Me. Find the source for all spiritual achievement in Me. Find the strength to live each moment in Me. Find the wisdom to navigate the many turns for life in Me... Find the most satisfying life for all of eternity in Me.'
   To abide in Christ means to allow His Life to possess us at all times and in every situation life brings. To abide means saying to God with the inhaling of every breath, 'Not my will, but Yours be done.'...
   God created us to abide in Him. It's that basic. Abiding in Him is our life's purpose. Abiding in Him is what we were created for. Abiding in Him is why we are here."
                                            -Eric and Leslie Ludy in "When God Writes Your Life Story"

Friday, July 6, 2012

Hello Again!!!

Hello everybody! I'm sorry for the unannounced and unexpected hiatus, June was just a super busy month. But now I'm back and I've got alot of things to share with you all! First, me and my mom started a business, Made Wright At Home, and we are really excited about that. Next, I've gotten on Pinterest and created some boards with really great resources, that I would love for you to check out! And finally, God has just been teaching me alot this month. He has been breaking and humbling me, and I can't wait to see how He is going to bring me out in the end. I will hopefully be sharing with you some things He has shown me, and your prayers would be appreciated!
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